Project Title - Sfuron: A leather shoe making social business to enhance the capacity of individuals with disabilities

Title Sfuron: A leather shoe making social business to enhance the capacity of individuals with disabilities
Design Lab 13th Social Business Design Lab
Design Lab Project Category Others
Project Type General
Project Status approved_for_design_lab
Presentation File Download Presentation File
Is Approved Yes


Action on Disability and Development (ADD International),a human rights organization working to promote the rights of people
with disabilities in Bangladesh for last 20 years has initiated a project to train and employ disabled workers to produce quality
leather shoes and sandals.

Presently 25 disabled workers are producing 2000 pairs of shoes and sandals per month. Presently they are being informally sold
through different organizations that promote wellbeing of disabled people.

ADD wishes to convert their current project into a Social Business. Legally it will be operating as a separate
company formed under the Companies Act ;1994.

Social Problem Addressing

• Majority of adults with disabilities remain unemployed despite
their desire to contribute to the workforce.
• They often face social stigma from employers and/or coworkers.
• They face lack of opportunities for education and training.
• Lack of disable friendly working environment is another

Social Impact

- Capacity, skill and knowledge of PwDs will increase
- Negative attitude about PwDs will be reduced
- Confidence of the PwDs will increase
- Family and other community will believe that disabled people can manage
their lives and can contribute to the socio- economical development too.
- PwDs will get opportunities to contribute to the overall development of nation
and for themselves.
- A replicable model approach will be developed for poverty reduction