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Press Release From Yunus Centre

Astronaut Ron to Address Social Business Day

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 25th June, 2012

Yunus CentrePress release(25 June,2012): The 3rd Annual Social Business Day will be held on June 28, 2012 this year at Gonoshasthaya Kendra, Savar. On this day, the global social business community celebrates the social business concept pioneered by Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus.The first celebration of this day took place on 28 June 2010 in Dhaka, with parallel programs in Germany, USA, Japan, UK, France and Italy. The Day will be celebrated in more countries this yea...

Women Entrepreneurs take the lead at 71st Social Business Design Lab

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 16th April, 2015

Yunus Centre Press Release(16 April, 2015): The 71st Social Business Design Lab organized by Yunus Centre took place on 16 April 2015 at the Grameen Bank Bhaban. The half day long program was chaired by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, and brought together more than 130 participations from Bangladesh and abroad coming  from diverse backgrounds.  Professor Yunus welcomed the participants to the Lab and updated the audience  that 885 social business projects had been &...

Six New Social Business projects approved for investment at the 34th Design Lab

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 27th October, 2014

Yunus Centre Press Release(27 October,2014):  The 34th Social Business Design Lab took place on 27 October 2014 at the Grameen Bank Bhaban. Hundred and four participants and observers from national and international organizations including Larry Reed CEO of the Microcredit Summit Campaign, Washington DC, a high level team from Medtronics, USA, JICA from Japan, Coders Trust, Denmark and FAO attended the event. There were also students from Malaysia, Japan, China, Denmark and India at the ev...

Grameen micro-lending comes to Scotland with help of Tesco Bank

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 25th October, 2012

Yunus Centre Press release (25 October, 2012):  The Grameen micro-lending system, which has helped lift millions of people out of poverty worldwide, is to be launched in Scotland early next year with the aid of Tesco Bank and other major supporters. Tesco Bank will provide half a million pounds of the loan capital for what will be Grameen’s first venture in the UK. The supermarket bank will also offer savings facilities and business support for aspiring entrepreneurs who wish to sta...

Social Businesses Get Funding at the 7th Social Business Design Lab

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 17th August, 2013

Yunus Centre Press release (17 August,2013):  The 7th Social Business Design Lab took place at Yunus Centre on 17 August 2013. Participants from different organizations including Mr. Tapan Chowdhury, former advisor in the caretaker government; Mr. Abdullah Al Mahmud, Chairman of Mahin Group; Dr. Mahmood Hasan, CEO of Gono Shahajjo Shangstha; Mosharraf Hossain, Country Director of Action on Disability and Development; Hasan M. Mazumdar, Country Representative of The Asia Foundation and nume...

Japan Social Business Fund Announced

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 23rd July, 2012

Yunus Centre Press release (23 July, 2012): Fukuoka, Japan: Mr. Miki Watanabe, CEO and Chairman of Watami, a leading restaurant chain in Japan, Malaysia, Taiwan, China, in consultation with Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, announced the creation of a US$ 20 million Social Business Fund for Japan to finance innovative non-dividend businesses, called Social business, that fight social problems. The announcement came during the opening session of the 3rd Social Business Forum Asia 2012...

Youth Unemployment will be the Theme of Sixth Social Business Day

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 4th January, 2017

Yunus Centre Press Release (24 May, 2015):  The 6th annual Social Business Day organized by Yunus Centre will be held on May 28, 2015 with the theme of “We Are Not Job-Seekers, We Are Job-Givers—Turning Unemployment into Entrepreneurship” at Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC), Dhaka.  The event which will be hosted by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus will be attended by more than 1600 participants, among them over 250 international s...

Italian City Pistoia Declared as Social Business City

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 15th June, 2012

Yunus Centre Press Release(15 July,2012): On 11 July Pistoia, an Italian city sharing borders with the city of Florence, was named as the first Italian Social Business City with the aim of creating an “enabling environment” for Social Business and Social Innovation through a participative and networking approach among local, national and international actors. A programme to promote social business in Pistoia was inaugurated at the beginning of the year by an agreement with the Y...

Yunus Becomes Chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 1st January, 2012

Yunus Centre Press Release (1 July, 2012):  Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus has been chosen as the Chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University, a public university in Glasgow, Scotland.  In her letter, Professor Pamela Gillies, the Vice Chancellor invited Professor Yunus to become the Chancellor and provide creative and insightful direction towards the growth of the University. Professor Gillies states- “It would be a great honour indeed for me to serve you as your Vice...

Professor Muhammad Yunus in Nepal: Nepal’s Interest in Social Business Deepens

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 24th December, 2012

Yunus Centre Press release (24 December, 2012):  On second day of Professor Yunus visit the Himalayan country, he gave the key note speech at the opening of the Confederation of Nepalese Industries on 22 December.   The Chief Guest at the event was Prime Minister of Nepal Dr Baburam Bhattarai, which was attended by Former Prime Minister Surya Bahadur Thapa, current and former ministers and all of the top business people of Nepal.   He urged the business people of Nepal consi...

বাংলাদেশ ক্রিকেট দলকে প্রফেসর মুহাম্মদ ইউনূসের অভিনন্দন

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 9th December, 2012

unus Centre Press Release(9 December, 2012): বাংলাদেশ ক্রিকেট দলের অভাবনীয় সাফল্যে দেশের সকল মানুষের সাথে আমিও গভীর আনন্দে আপ্লুত। তাদের এই এই অসাধারণ সাফল্য নতুন  করে প্রমান করেছে, ”আমরা পারি।” আমি সকল খেলোয়া...

Condolence Message from Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus on Passing of Professor Khan Sarwar Murshid

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 9th December, 2012

প্রফেসর মুহাম্মদ ইউনূসএর শোকবার্তা অধ্যাপক খান সারওয়ার মুরশিদ এর মৃত্যুতে আমি গভীরভাবে শোকà...

Bangladesh-Japan Collaboration on Biomedical Engineering

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 24th July, 2012

On his first day in Tokyo after the Social Business Forum Asia which took place in Fukuoka on 21-22 July, on July 24 Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus delivered a keynote address to the top management and executives of Nomura Securities, the largest securities companies in Japan, where more than US$ 20 billion of assets are traded each day.As the leading securities and investment banking company in Japan, Nomura Securities provides individual investors and corporate clients with a broad ra...

Yunus Centre Press Release for Social Business Day 2015: Youth Unemployment will be the Theme of Sixth Social Business Day

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 24th May, 2015

The 6th annual Social Business Day organized by Yunus Centre will be held on May 28, 2015 with the theme of “We Are Not Job-Seekers, We Are Job-Givers—Turning Unemployment into Entrepreneurship” at Bangabandhu International Conference Center (BICC), Dhaka.  The gathering is organised every year as an opportunity to meet, connect, had have discussion among with the global social business community with the purpose of developing effective solutions to solve society's most p...

YUNUS CENTER PRESS RELEASE: Yunus promotes Atlanta as City of Peace

Source: Yunus Centre Published Date: 2nd October, 2014

Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus was in Atlanta, Georgia from September 27-29, 2014 to lead and participate in the preparatory Gala for World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates 2015 announcing that Atlanta will host the World Summit of Nobel Peace Laureates in 2015. President Jimmy Carter and Professor Yunus are the co-hosts and CNN Founder Ted Turner is the Honorary Chair for the Atlanta Summit....

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