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Yunus Social Business funds 2 new businesses through KIVA

4th October, 2016

Yunus Social Business funds 2 new businesses through KIVA

2 new social business join the Yunus Social Business portfolio - Crowdfunding goals reached in just 3 days on Kiva!

Yunus Social Business recently finalized partnerships with three new social businesses in Brazil, each committed to providing essential products and services to marginalized, underserved communities.  

Crowdfunding for loans totalling USD$50,000 was reached in a record 3 days on Kiva, the world's number one online platform for lending to good causes.

“We were overwhealmed by the positive reaction and generosity of lenders on Kiva” said Saskia Bruysten, CEO, and co-founder of Yunus Social Business. “Each social business has demonstrated real social impact in the work they do. With their financing goals reached, they will all be able to expand, improving the lives of many more communities”.

Moradigna’s story

More than 40 million Brazilians live in housing that suffers from residual damp, mold, and poor ventilation, all factors that contribute to serious health problems. Jardim Pantanal is a poor community in the East Zone of São Paulo built on a wetland at the edge of the city. High humidity and frequent flooding mean many residents live in housing that is permanently damp and in constant need of repair.

Moradigna is Social Business that provides construction and renovation services to low-income households in Jardim Pantanal, helping residents improve their homes and their health.

Matheus Cardoso, the founder of Moradigna, is a resident of Jardim Pantanal. “When families realize they can transform the whole house they feel empowered, knowing that they can live in a better environment. Its is not a privilege. It’s a human right. A house is the most important part of many peoples lives.”

Moradigna currently employees +22 workers from the local area who have transformed more than 100 homes, improving the lives of over 500 residents. The loan of $20,000 will allow Moradigna to purchase a small pickup truck, employ more local people and expand operations to enable other poor neighborhoods across Sao Paulo to benefit.

Assobio’s story 

Native forests around the world are under threat from the impact of human activity. Between May 2000 and August 2006, Brazil lost nearly 150,000 square kilometers of forest, an area larger than Greece. Deforestation of this scale is a major contributor to climate change and leads to severe degradation of local water and soil quality. Rainwater runoff, heavy with soil from cleared forests, clogs rivers and damages fish populations, a vital food source for local people.

Assobio reverses the effects of deforestation in Brazil by running commercial plantation programs for businesses required under Brazil's environmental laws to replace any forest they use. Assobio provides training and education in the proper stewardship of native rainforest and employment opportunities to the most disadvantaged members of local communities through its reforestation programs.

Marina and Geysa, the founders of Assobio, believe that “Things can’t go on this way anymore. If we want future generations of local people to remain and thrive in Brazil's rainforests, we need to change our habits and attitudes. To us, changing the world means achieving a balance between humans and the environment.” A Kiva loan of USD $30,000 will provide new offices for the company which will double as a nursery for vital rainforest forest plant species, essential for Assobio’s expansion and impact generation. 


Moradigna YouTube video -

Assobio YouTube video -

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