2nd Social Business Meeting

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The concept of social business has been developed by Professor Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Peace Prize 2006, who promoted social businesses as an alternative to help solve poverty, through business initiatives based on market mechanisms, with  main objective to solve social problems and maximize welfare, from the production and sale of goods or services that meet a priority need of the most vulnerable social sectors.

There are two types of social businesses:

The first are companies that focus on providing a social benefit to marginalized population sectors, which provide a solution to problems related to well-being, including poverty, and not the maximization of profits. The satisfaction for the investors is psychological, emotional and spiritual instead  of economic reward, contributing to social peace.

The second type of social business maintains goals of maximizing profits because its owners are immersed in poverty. In this case, the social benefit is derived from the fact that the capital and the growth dividends of the companies are aimed at improving the social condition of their owners and families, who come from underprivileged population sectors, thus helping to reduce their poverty or even end it.

In Words of  Prof. Yunus, the seven principles of social Business are:

1 Business objective will be to overcome poverty, or one or more problems (such as education, health, technology access, and environment) which threaten people and society; not profit maximization.

2 Financial and economic sustainability

3 Investors get back their investment amount only. No dividend is given beyond investment money

4 When investment amount is paid back, company profit stays with the company for expansion and improvement

5 Gender sensitive and environmentally conscious

6 Workforce gets market wage with better working conditions

7 Do it with joy


The meeting will promote the development of social businesses as an alternative or complement of the main social problems solutions  of Baja California and Mexico. To do this, it looks to promote participation and exposure of interdisciplinary experiences and research, privileging contributions that have a perspective on the concept of social business. Works on the following topics are welcome, without being limiting:


  1. Research and teaching for social businesses.
  2. Poverty and income concentration.
  3. Leadership and social intervention.
  4. Equity and inclusion in social businesses.
  5. Unemployment, entrepreneurship and human capital.
  6. Environment and sustainable development.
  7. Impact measurements of social businesses.
  8. Investment and financing projects.
  9. Legal and fiscal framework for social business.

Where and when
Faculty of Engineering and Business, Tecate, Baja California.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019.


Call for papers

    Papers must be sent through the UABC-Yunus Center website for social and welfare businesses (http://uabcyunuscentre.feyri.mx/).


The works must be presented in PDF file and with the following format:


  • Letter Times New Roman, 12, space 1.5. 2.5cm upper and lower margins; 3cm left and right.


  • Cover: must contain the title, authors, summary of maximum 150 words and maximum 5 key words.


  • Structure: introduction, review of literature, methodology, results, conclusions and references.


  • The works must not exceed 8 pages (including references and annexes).


  • Appointments and references will be guided with the APA style.


  • The headings of each section will have letter size 14 and the subtitles size 13.


Important dates

  1. Opening Day; February 14


  1. Manuscript Deadline : March 12


  1. Acceptance Notification : March 15


  1. 2nd social business meeting: March 20