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Bio Data of Professor Muhammad Yunus

Last Updated : 25th May, 2016


Curriculum Vitae of Nobel Peace Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, Chairman of Yunus Centre and Founder of Grameen Bank, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Personal Information

Present Address Chairman, Yunus Centre
Grameen Bank, Mirpur-2
Dhaka 1216, Bangladesh
Date of BirthJune 28, 1940
Marital StatusMarried
EducationPh.D in Economics, Vanderbilt University, U.S.A.(1970)

Scholarships / Fellowships

1Awarded Fulbright Fellowship to study in the U.S.A. for 1965-66.
2Awarded Vanderbilt University research and teaching fellowships during 1966-69.
3Awarded Eisenhour Exchange Fellowship for 1984.
4Senior Fellow, The Institute of Mediterranean Studies,Universita della Svizzera Italiana, Lugano, Switzerland (2000 - ).

Professional Experiences

1962 - 65Lecturer of Economics, Chittagong College, Bangladesh
1969 - 72Assistant Professor of Economics, MTSU, Tennessee, USA
1972 (July-Sept)Deputy Chief, General Economics Division, Planning Commission, Government of Bangladesh.
1972 - 75Associate Professor of Economics and Head of the Department of Economics, Chittagong University, Bangladesh
1975 - 1989Professor of Economics, Chittagong University and Director, Rural Economics Programme, Chittagong, Bangladesh
1976 - 1983Project Director, Grameen Bank Project, Bangladesh
1983 - 2011Managing Director, Grameen Bank, Bangladesh
1996 (April-June)Cabinet Minister (Advisor) in the Caretaker Government of Bangladesh
2008- presentChairman, Yunus Centre, Bangladesh
2012 (June)- presentChancellor, Glasgow Caledonian University, Glasgow, UK
2015 – Present :Adjunct Professor, La Trobe Business School, in the Faculty of Business, Economics and Law, Australia

Membership of Committees and Commissions (National)

1Was member, National Committee on Population Policy set up by the President of Bangladesh, in 1981.
2Was member, Land Reform Committee, set up by Chief Martial Law Administrator, headed by the Minister of Agriculture, in 1982.
3Member, Education Commission (1987-88), Government of Bangladesh.
4Member, Presidential Committee on Health Education and Service (1987-88).
5Appointed as the Chairman of the Socio-economic Committee of the National Disaster Prevention Council set up by the President of Bangladesh (1989-90).
6Member of the National Debt Settlement Board headed by the President of Bangladesh (1989-90).
7Member of the Task Force for reviewing the operation of the Nationalised Commercial Banks (1989).
8Appointed as the Convener of the Task Force on Self-Reliance set up by the Planning Advisor (1991).
9Member of the National ICT Task Force Committee, Ministry of Planning, Bangladesh (2002 - ).

Membership of Committees and Commissions (International)

1Appointed by the Secretary General of the United Nations as a member of the International Advisory Group for the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China (1993-1995).
2Appointed as a member of the Global Commission on Women's Health for the period 1993-1995 by the Director General, World Health Organisation, Geneva, Switzerland.
3Appointed as member of Advisory Council for Sustainable Economic Development, World Bank, Washington DC, USA (1993-to-date).
4Appointed as member of the UN Expert Group on Women and Finance: Transforming Enterprise and Finance Systems, UNIFEM, Washington DC, USA (1993 to date).
5Chairman of the Policy Advisory Group for the CGAP (Consultative Group to Assist the Poorest), World Bank , Washington D.C., U.S.A. (1995 - 2000).
6Member of the Council of Patrons of Friends of the Earth International, Amsterdam, Netherlands to support it in its continued campaigns to protect the environment (1996).
7Member of the Advisory Committee, Asian Ecotechnology Network.
8Co-Chairman , State of the World Forum, San Francisco, U.S.A. (1996 - ).
9Co-Chairman, Council of Practitioners, Micro-Credit Summit, U.S.A. (1997 - ).
10Member of the Scientific Advisory Committee, Center of Arab Women For Training And Research (CAWTAR), Tunisia (1997 - ).
11Member of the Advisory Group, Institute For Democracy And Electoral Assistance (IDEA), Sweden (1997 - ).
12Honourary Member, Club of Budapest, London, U.K. ( 1997 - ).
13Member of the Advisory Group, Council of Women World Leaders, Kennedy Schools of Government Harvard University, U.S.A. (1997 - ).
14Member of the Advisory Committee, 2020 Vision for Food, Agriculture and the Environment initiative, IFPRI, U.S.A. (1998 - ).
15Member of the Advisory Committee, INTERNEWS, Arcata, San Francisco, U.S.A. (1999 - ).
16Member of the International Consultative Committee, International Forum, Mujeres & Hombres, Lima, Peru (1999 - ).
17Member, AGFUND Prize Committee, AGFUND, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (1999 - ).
18Member, Hilton Humanitarian Prize Jury Committee, Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, U.S.A. (1999 - ).
19Member of the Presiding Council of the ProVention Consortium (a global partnership to address the increasing vulnerability of developing countries to the risk of natural and technological catastrophes), World Bank, Washington DC, U.S.A. (2000 - to-date).
20Member of the High Council of International Exhibitions, International Bureau of Expositions, Paris, France (2000 - ).
21Member of the High-Level Advisory Group on Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), United Nations, New York, U.S.A. (2000 - ).
22Member, Advisory Committee, Queen Sofia Chamber Orchestra (Orquestra de Camara Reina Sofia), Madrid, Spain (2001 - ).
23Member, Global Steering Committee for the Fish for All Initiative, ICLARM, Malaysia (2002 - ).
24Member, International Jury Committee of the Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development, Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust, India (2002 - 2004).
25Co-Chairman, Ambassadors' Council, Freedom from Hunger, U.S.A. (2003 - to-date).
26Member, Africa Progress Panel, UK (2007 - to-date).
27Member, Elders Project, South Africa (2007 - to-date).
28Co-Chairman, Women's World Forum, Republic of Korea (2007 - to-date)
29Member, Foundation Board of the Global Humanitarian Forum, Geneva, Switzerland (2007 -to-date)
30Member of the UN Secretary-General Network of Men Leaders, U.S.A, (2008-to-date) which aims to prevent and eliminate violence against women and girls in all parts of the world
31Member, MDG Advocacy Group, Focus on MDG 8 (global partnership for development), New York, U.S.A (2010-to-date)
32Founding Commissioner, Broadband Commission for Digital Development Switzerland (2010-to- date)
33Member, myclimate Patronage Committee, Switzerland, (2010-to-date)
34Member, U.S. Department of State International Council on Women Business Leadership (ICWBL) Subcommittee on Access to Capital., U.S.A. (2012-to-date)
35Member of the Executive Secretary’s 2015 Council of UN Climate Change Secretariat (2015 - to-date)

Member, Board of Advisors (International)

1Calmeadow Foundation, 4 Kind Street West, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario M5H 1B6, Canada.
2The Synergose Institute, 100 East 85th Street, New York, NY10028 U.S.A.
3Living Economics, 42 Warriner Gardens, London SW11 4DU, U.K.
4International Council for Freedom From Hunger, U.S.A.
5International Council, Ashoka Foundation, Washington DC, USA.
6Advisory Council, Women for Women of Bosnia, Washington DC, USA.
7Advisory Board, The Center For Visionary Leadership, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
8International Advisory Board, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, U.S.A.
9International Advisory Board, Foundation for the Research of Societal Problems Ankara, Turkey.
10Advisory Board, Credit for All, Inc. Denver, U.S.A
11Advisory Board, The Gleitsman Foundation International Activist Award, California, U.S.A.
12International Council, Asia Society, New York, U.S.A.
13International Advisory Panel, UNESCO, Paris, France.
14International Advisory Board, The Center For Visionary Leadership, Washington D.C. U.S.A.
15International Council on the Future, UNESCO, Paris, France.
16Global Advisory Board, EARTH ONE (a radio service for the world community) Borehamwood, United Kingdom.
17Global Public Goods Advisory Board, Office of Development Studies, UNDP, New York, U.S.A
18Advisory Board, Information Technologies and International Development, MIT Media Laboratory, Cambridge, U.S.A.
19Advisory Board, Foundation for Entrepreneurship, Germany.
20Advisory Panel, ESCAP/UNDP Joint Initiative in Supporting the Achievement of Millennium Development Goals in Asia and the Pacific Region, Thailand.
21Founder Member, The Global Academy for Social Entrepreneurship, Ashoka, U.S.A.
22Advisory Board, Prague Institute for Global Urban Development, Czechoslovakia.
23Honorary Advisory Council, Alliance for the New Humanity (ANH), U.S.A.
24Advisory Council for the new Templeton Freedom Awards, Atlas Economic Research Foundation , U.S.A
25Advisory Board, Holcim Foundation, Zurich, Switzerland.
26Advisory Board, Mahatma Gandhi Center for Global Nonviolence, Virginia, U.S.A
27Honorary Board Member, Center for International Studies Micro- Credit Program, Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
28Honorary Board Member, SNV Netherlands Development Organisation, the Netherlands.
29Advisory Board Member, “Global Health Agenda for Girlsâ€Â project at the Center for Global Development, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
30Advisory Board Member, Multimedia Super Corridor Malaysia International Advisory Panel (IAP), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
31Member, Advisory Committee, Ritsumeikan Asian Pacific University, Japan.
32Founder, Grameen Creative Lab, Germany
33Co-Chairperson, Governing Board, Yunus Centre, AIT,Thailand
34Lead Advisory Scholar, Okan University Muhammad Yunus International Centre for Microfinance and Social Business, Turkey
35Founder, Yunus Social Business GmbH, Germany
36Member of the Advisory Council, AGFUND Microfinance Bank, Saudi Arabia
37Member of the Advisory Board of International University of Japan's Graduate School of International Management (GSIM), Japan
38Member of the International Advisory Council (IAC) of Fundação Dom Cabral (FDC) university, Brazil

Member, Board of Directors (National)

1976 - 1983Founder and Project Director, Grameen Bank Project.
1983 - 2011Founder and Managing Director, Grameen Bank, Dhaka.
1991 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Krishi (Agriculture) Foundation, Rangpur.
1990 - to-dateFounder and Executive Trustee, Grameen Trust, Dhaka.
1990 - to-dateDesigner and member of Governing Body, Polli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF), Dhaka.
1979 - to-dateMember, Board of Directors, Centre for Mass Education for Science, Dhaka.
1994 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Fund (a Social Venture Capital Fund), Dhaka.
1994 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Motsho (Fisheries)O PasuSampad (Livestock) Foundation, Dhaka.
1994 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Uddog, a non-stock, non-profit organization dedicated to promote the interest of the handloom-weavers of Bangladesh.
1995 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Telecom, a cellular telephone company to provide nationwide telephone service. It will provide telephone service in the rural areas of Bangladesh primarily through the poor women in rural areas.
1995 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Shamogree (Products), Dhaka.
1995 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Gona Shyastha Grameen Textile Mills Ltd., Dhaka.
1996 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Cybernet, Dhaka.
1996 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Communications, Dhaka.
1996 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Kallyan (well-being), Dhaka.
1996 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Shakti (energy), Dhaka.
1996 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Yunus Foundation, Dhaka.
1996 - to-dateMember, Advisory Council of the Bangladesh Legal Aid and Services Trust, Dhaka.
1997 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Shikkha (Education), Dhaka.
1997 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Knitwear Ltd., Dhaka.
1998 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Capital Management Ltd, Dhaka.
1999 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Software Ltd, Dhaka.
2000 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen IT Park Ltd, Dhaka.
2002 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Star Education Ltd, Dhaka.
2002 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Information Highways Ltd, Dhaka.
2007 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Danone Food Ltd, Bangladesh
2007 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Green Children Eye-Care Hospital
2008 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, BASF Grameen Ltd.
2008 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Yunus Centre, Dhaka
2009 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Caledonian College of Nursing
2009 - to-dateFounder and Chairman, Grameen Veolia Water Ltd, Bangladesh

Member, Board of Directors (International)

1987 - 1997Board of Directors, RESULTS, A Citizen's Lobby, Washington DC, U.S.A.
1987 - 1995Board of Trustees, Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (A Grameen Replication Project in Malaysia.)
1989 - 1994Board of Trustees of the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), Philippines.
1990 - to-dateChief Patron, Credit and Savings for Hardcore Poor, (CASHPOR), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
1990 - 1992Steering Committee, The Aga Khan Award for Architecture, Geneva, Switzerland.
1992 - 2002Board of Directors, Calvert World Values Fund, Washington DC, USA.
1993 - to-dateBoard of Directors, Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA), U.S.A.
1995 - to-dateInternational Crisis Group, Washington D.C., U.S.A.
1996 - to-datePatron, United Kingdom Social Investment Forum, London,U.K.
1998 - to-dateBoard of Directors, United Nations Foundation , Washington, U.S.A.
2000 - to-dateFounding Patron, C21: Tomorrow’s Leaders for a Safer Planet, Oxford Research Group , Oxford, United Kingdom.
2001 - to-dateBoard of Directors, Schwab Foundation for Social Entrepreneurship , Cologny, Switzerland.
2002 - to-dateBoard of Director, ManyOne Foundation, Canada.
2006 - to-dateBoard of Trustees, Coexist Foundation, University of Cambridge, UK.
2007 - to-dateBoard of Director, Prince Albert II of Monaco Foundation, Monaco.
2007- to -dateBoard of Directors, Chirac Foundation, France.
2007- to -dateBoard of Directors, Grameen Danone Food Ltd, Bangladesh.
2007- to -dateBoard of Directors, Danone Communities Fund, France.
2007- to -dateBoard of Directors, Sing For Hope, New York, U.S.A.
2008- to -dateBoard of Directors, Grameen Credit Agricole Microfinance Foundation, Luxemoburg.


President's Award: 1978
Originator of the concept of Three share Farming (Tebhaga Khamar) as a joint farming operation. Organised Nabajug Tebhaga Khamar in Jobra, Chittagong in 1975, around a deep tubewell which was lying unused because of management problems. Government of Bangladesh adopted the concept and introduced it in the country under the name of "Packaged Input Programme" (PIP) in 1977. Nabajug Tebhaga Khamar was awarded President's Award in 1978 for introducing an innovative organisation in agriculture.
Ramon Magsaysay Award: 1984
Awarded Ramon Magsaysay Award in the Field of "Community Leadership" in 1984 for "Enabling the neediest rural men and women to make themselves productive with sound group managed credit."
Central Bank Award: 1985
Awarded the Bangladesh Bank Award 1985 in recognition of the contribution in devising a new banking mechanism to extend credit to the rural landless population, thereby creating self employment and socio economic development for them.
Independence Day award: 1987
Awarded the Independence Day Award, 1987, by the President for the outstanding contribution in rural development. This is the highest civilian national award of Bangladesh.
Aga Khan Award For Architecture: 1989
Awarded Aga Khan Award For Architecture, 1989 by Geneva based Aga Khan Foundation for designing and operating Grameen Bank Housing Programme for the poor, which helped poor members of Grameen Bank to construct 60,000 housing units by 1989, each costing on an average $ 300.
Humanitarian Award: 1993
Awarded 1993 Humanitarian Award by the CARE, U.S.A. in recognition of role in providing a uniquely pragmatic and effective method of empowering poor women and men to embark on income generating activities.
Mohamed Sahabdeen Award for Science (Socio Economic): 1993
Awarded Mohamed Sahabdeen Award for Science (Socio Economic) in 1993.
Rear Admiral M. A. Khan Memorial Gold Medal Award: 1993
Awarded Rear Admiral Mahbub Ali Khan Memorial Gold Medal Award in 1993.
World Food Prize: 1994
Awarded 1994 World Food Prize by World Food Prize Foundation, U.S.A. in recognition of the lifetime achievements of an economist who created a bank loan system that has given millions of people access to adequate food and nutrition for the first time in their lives.
Pfeffer Peace Prize: 1994
Awarded 1994 Pfeffer Peace Prize by the Fellowship of Reconciliation, U.S.A. for his vision of non collateral lending through the Grameen Bank and the courage of persevere in the concept that credit is a human right.
Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Memorial Gold Medal Award: 1994
Awarded Dr. Mohammad Ibrahim Memorial Gold Medal Award in 1994.
MALAYSIA : Tun Abdul Razak Award : 1994
Awarded 1994 Tun Abdul Razak Award for the Bank's unique programme to lend money to the poorest of the poor and thus transform the lives of thousands of impoverished people.
Max Schmidheiny Foundation Freedom Prize: 1995
Awarded Max Schmidheiny Foundation Freedom Prize in 1995.
RCMD Award: 1995
Awarded Rotary Club of Metropolitan Dhaka Foundation Award in 1995.
International Simon Bolivar Prize: 1996
Awarded International Simon Bolivar Prize in 1996.
"Distinguished Alumnus Award" of Vanderbilt University: 1996
Awarded "Distinguished Alumnus Award" of Vanderbilt University in 1996.
International Activist Award: 1997
Awarded International Activist Award Gleitsman Foundation, U.S.A., in 1997.
Planetary Consciousness Business Innovation Prize: 1997
Awarded "Planetary Consciousness Business Innovation Prize" by the club of Budapest in 1997.
Help for self help Prize: 1997
Awarded "Help for self help Prize" by the Stromme Foundation in 1997.
Man for Peace Award: 1997
Awarded "Man for Peace Award" by the Together For Peace Foundation in 1997.
State of the World Forum Award: 1997
Awarded "State of the World Forum Award" by the State of the World Forum, San Francisco in 1997.
One World Broadcasting Trust Media Awards: 1998
Awarded One World Broadcasting Trust Special Awardâ€Â by the One World Broadcasting Trust in 1998.
The Prince of Austurias Award for Concord: 1998
Awarded The Prince of Austurias Award for Concord by The Prince of Austurias Foundation in 1998.
Sydney Peace Prize: 1998
Awarded Sydney Peace Prize by the Sydney Peace Foundation in 1998.
Ozaki (Gakudo) Award : 1998
Awarded Ozaki (Gakudo) Award by the Ozaki Yukio Memorial Foundation in 1998.
Indira Gandhi Prize: 1998
Awarded Indira Gandhi Prize for Peace, Disarmament and Development by the Indira Gandhi Memorial Trust in 1998.
Juste of the Year Award: 1998
Awarded "Juste of the Year" by the Les Justes D'or in 1998.
Rotary Award for World Understanding: 1999
Awarded Rotary Award for World Understanding by the Rotary International in 1999.
Golden Pegasus Award: 1999
Awarded Golden Pegasus Award by the TUSCAN Regional Government in 1999.
Roma Award for Peace and Humanitarian Action: 1999
Awarded Roma Award for Peace and Humanitarian Action by the Municipality of Rome in 1999.
Rathindra Puraskar: 1998
Awarded Rathindra Puraskar for 1998 by the Visva-Bharati in 1999.
OMEGA Award of Excellence for Lifetime Achievement: 2000
Awarded OMEGA Award of Excellence for Lifetime Achievement in 2000.
Award of the Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Senate: 2000
Awarded The Medal of the Presidency of the Italian Senate in 2000.
King Hussein Humanitarian Leadership Award: 2000
Awarded "King Hussein Humanitarian Leadership Award" by the King Hussein Foundation in 2000.
"IDEB Gold Medal" Award: 2000
Awarded IDEB Gold Medal Award by the Institute of Diploma Engineers in 2000.
"Artusi" Prize : 2001
Awarded "Artusi" prize by Comune di Forlimpopoli in 2001.
Grand Prize of the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize: 2001
Awarded "Grand Prize of the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize " by the Fukuoka Asian Culture Prize Committee in 2001.
Ho Chi Minh Award: 2001
Awarded Ho Chi Minh Award by the Ho Chi Minh City Peoples Committee in 2001.
International Cooperation Prize Caja de Granada: 2001
Awarded International Cooperation Prize Caja de Granada Caja de Ahorros de Granada in 2001.
NAVARRA International Aid Award: 2001
NAVARRA International Aid Award by the Autonomous Government of Navarra together with Caja Laboral (Savings Bank) in 2001.
Mahatma Gandhi Award: 2002
Awarded Mahatma Gandhi Award by the M.K Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, in 2002.
World Technology Network Award: 2003
Awarded "World Technology Network Award 2003" for Finance by the World Technology Network in 2003.
Volvo Environment Prize: 2003
Awarded "Volvo Environment Prize 2003" by the Volvo Environment Prize Foundation in 2003.
National Merit Order Award: 2003
Awarded "National Merit Order" by the Honorable President of the Republic of Colombia in 2003.
The Medal of the Painter Oswaldo Guayasamin Award: 2003
Awarded "The Medal of the Painter Oswaldo Guayasamin" by the UNESCO in 2003.
Telecinco Award: 2004
Awarded "Telecinco Award for Better Path Towards Solidarity" by the Spanish TV Netwark - Channel 5 in 2004.
City of Orvieto Award: 2004
Awarded "City of Orvieto Award" by the Municipality of Orvieto in 2004.
The Economist Innovation Award: 2004
Awarded "The Economist Award for Social and Economic Innovation" by The Economist in 2004.
World Affairs Council Award: 2004
Awarded "World Affairs Council Award for Extra-ordinary Contribution to Social Change" by the World Affairs Council of Northern California in 2004.
Leadership in Social Entrepreneurship Award: 2004
Awarded "Leadership in Social Entrepreneurship Award" by Fuqua School of Business of Duke University, U.S.A. in 2004.
Premio Galileo 2000 - Special Prize for Peace: 2004
Awarded "Premio Galileo 2000 - Special Prize for Peace" by Ina Assitalia Fireuze in 2004.
Nikkei Asia Prize: 2004
Awarded "Nikkei Asia Prize for Regional Growth" by the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, Inc. (Nikkei) in 2004.
Golden Cross of the Civil Order of the Social Solidarity: 2005
Awarded "Golden Cross of the Civil Order of the Social Solidarity" by the Spanish Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs in May, 2005.
Freedom Award: 2005
Awarded "Freedom Award" by the America's Freedom Foundation, Provo, Utah, U.S.A. in July, 2005.
Bangladesh Computer Society Gold Medal: 2005
Awarded "Bangladesh Computer Society Gold Medal" by the Bangladesh Computer Society, Bangladesh in July, 2005.
Prize Il Ponte: 2005
Awarded " Prize Il Ponte " by the Fondazione Europea Guido Venosta, Italy in November, 2005.
Foundation of Justice: 2005
Awarded "Foundation of Justice 2005" by the Foundation of Justice, Valencia, Spain in January, 2006.
Harvard University, Neustadt Award: 2006
Awarded "Neustadt Award" by Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, U.S.A. in May, 2006.
Global Citizen of the Year Award: 2006
Awarded "Global Citizen of the Year Award" by Patel Foundation for Global understanding, Tampa, Florida, U.S.A in May, 2006.
Franklin D. Roosevelt Freedom Award: 2006
Awarded "Franklin D. Roosevelt Freedom Award" by Roosevelt Institute, Middleburg, Province of New Zeeland, The Netherlands in May, 2006.
ITU World Information Society Award: 2006
Awarded "ITU World Information Society Award" by International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland in May, 2006.
Seoul Peace Prize: 2006
Awarded "Seoul Peace Prize 2006" by Seoul Peace Prize Cultural Foundation, Seoul, Korea in October, 2006.
Convivencia (Good Fellowship) of Ceuta Award: 2006
Awarded "Convivencia (Good Fellowship) of Ceuta 2006" by Fundacion Premio Convivencia, Ceuta, Spain in October, 2006.
Nobel Peace Prize: 2006
Awarded "Nobel Peace Prize 2006" in October, 2006.
Disaster Mitigation Award: 2006
Awarded "Disaster Mitigation Award 2006" by FIRST INDIA Disaster Management Congress 2006, Delhi, India in November, 2006.
Shera Bangalee:2006
Awarded "SHERA BANGALEE 2006" by ETV, India in February, 2007.
Global Trailblazer Award: 2007
Awarded "Global Trailblazer Award 2007" by the Vital Voices, Washington DC, USA in March, 2007.
ABICC Award For Leadership In Global Trade: 2007
Awarded "ABICC Award For Leadership in Global Trade 2007" by ABICC, Miami, USA in March, 2007.
Social Entrepreneur Award: 2007
Awarded "Social Entrepreneur Award 2007" by the Geoffrey Palmer Center for Social Entrepreneurship and the Law, Pepperdine School of Law, USA in January, 2007.
Global Entrepreneurship Leader Award: 2007
Awarded "Global Entrepreneurship Leader Award 2007" by the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship, USA in April, 2007.
RED CROSS Gold Medal: 2007
Awarded "Red Cross Gold Medal 2007" by the Red Cross Society, Spain in 2007.
Rabindra Nath Tagore Birth Centenary Plaque: 2007
Awarded "Rabindra Nath Tagore Birth Centenary Plaque 2007" by the Asiatic Society, Kolkata, India in May, 2007.
EFR-Business Week Award: 2007
Awarded "EFR-Business Week Award 2007" by the University of Rotterdam, The Netherlands in May 2007.
Nichols-Chancellor Medal: 2007
Awarded "Nichols-Chancellor Medal" by the Vanderbilt University, U.S.A. in May, 2007.
Vision Award: 2007
Awarded "Vision Award 2007" by the Global Economic Network, Berlin, Germany in June, 2007.
BAFI Global Achievement Award: 2007
Awarded "BAFI Global Achievement Award 2007" by the Bangladesh-American Foundation Inc., U.S.A in July, 2007.
Rubin Museum Mandala Award: 2007
Awarded "Rubin Museum Mandala Award" by the Rubin Museum, USA, October 2007.
Sakaal Person of the Year Award: 2007
Awarded "Sakaal Person of the Year Award 2007" by the Sakaal Group of Publications, India in November, 2007.
First AHPADA Global Award: 2007
Awarded "1st AHPADA Global Award" by the ASEAN Handicraft Promotion and Development Association (ASPADA), Philippines in November, 2007.
Medal of Honor: 2007
Awarded "Medal of Honor" by the Government, Santa Catrina State, Brazil, November 2007.
Award for UN South-South Cooperation: 2007
Awarded the "UN South - South Cooperation" by the United Nations, USA, December 2007.
Project Concern Award: 2008
Awarded "Project Concern Award" by Project Concern International, Santa Barbara, California, January 2008.
New York
International Women's Health Coalition Award: 2008
Awarded "IWHC" Award by the International Women's Health Coalition, February 2008.
Kitakyushu Environmental Award: 2008
Awarded "The Kitakyushu Environmental Award" by the Mayor of City of Kitakyushu, Japan, February 2008.
Chancellor's Medal: 2008
Awarded " Chancellor's Medal" by York College, USA, February 2008.
President's Medal: 2008
Awarded "President's Medal" by Lehman College, USA, March 2008.
Human Security Award: 2008
Awarded " Human Security Award" by Muslim Public Affairs Council, USA, March 2008.
Annual Award for Development: 2008
Awarded "2008 Annual Award for Development" by OPEC Fund for International Development(OFID), Austria, June 2008.
Humanitarian Award: 2008
Awarded "2008 Humanitarian Award" by The International Association of Lions Clubs, U.S.A., June 2008.
Friend of Children Award: 2008
Awarded "Friend of Children 2008" by Save the Children, Spain, October 2008.
AGI International Science Award: 2008
Awarded "AGI International Science" by University of Cologne, Germany, October 2008.
Corine International Book Award: 2008
Awarded "Corine International Book Award" by the Bavaraian Government for the book, "Creating World Without Poverty", Germany, November 2008.
TWO WINGS prize: 2008
Awarded "TWO WING prize 2008" by the Freie Universitat, Berlin, Germany, November 2008.
Global Humanitarian Awards: 2008
Awarded "Global Humanitarian Awards 2008" by the Tech Museum, San Jose, California, November 2008.
World Affairs Council Awards: 2008
Awarded "World Affairs Council Awards 2008" by the World Affairs Council of Northern California, San Francisco, California, November 2008.
Full Impact Award: 2008

Full Circle Fund awarded the Full Impact Award 2008 for his bold, inspiring leadership on November 13, 2008

Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize: 2009
The Estoril Global Issues Distinguished Book Prize was awarded to Muhammad Yunus Creating a world without Poverty. It is the biggest award in the field of international studies. It is awarded on an annual basis to books, which offer outstanding analysis of global issues. May, 2009.
Eisenhower Medal for Leadership and Service: 2009
Awarded the Dwight D. Eisenhower Medal for Leadership and Service from the Eisenhower Fellowships at a ceremony in Philadelphia, May, 2009.
Golden Biatec Award: 2009
Awarded Golden Biatec Award by the Economic Club, Slovakia, June, 2009.
Gold Medal of Honor Award: 2009
Awarded the Gold Medal of Honor Award from the ATLAS, U.S.A, June, 2009.
PICMET Leadership in Technology Management: 2009
Awarded the "PICMET (Portland International Center for Management of Engineering and Technology) Leadership in Technology Management" from PICMET, U.S.A. on August 4, 2009. This award recognizes and honors individuals who have provided leadership in managing technology by establishing a vision, providing a strategic direction, and facilitating the implementation strategies for that vision.
Presidential Medal of Freedom: 2009
Awarded the highest US civilian honor "The Medal of Freedom" by President Barack Obama at White House on August 12, 2009. The Medal of Freedom is awarded to individuals who make an especially meritorious contribution to the security or national interests of the United States, world peace, cultural or other significant public or private endeavors.
The Sustainable Development Award: 2009
Awarded "The Sustainable Development Award 2009" by Ecology and Development Foundation, Spain on October 22, 2009.
The Bayreuth Leadership Award: 2009
Awarded the "The Bayreuth Leadership Award 2009" by the University of Bayreuth, Wiesbaden, Germany on November 5, 2009 in recognition of work to create opportunities for economic and social development with the aim of eliminating world poverty.
Prize for Ethical Business Award: 2010
Awarded the "Prize for Ethical Business Award 2010" by the Creighton University, Omaha, USA in February, 2010.
Presidential Medallion Award: 2010
Awarded the "Presidential Medallion Award 2010" by the President, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA in March, 2010.
Presidential Medal Award: 2010
Awarded the "Presidential Medal Award 2010" by the Emory University, Atlanta, USA in March, 2010.
SolarWorld Einstein Award 2010
Awarded the "SolarWorld Einstein Award 2010" by the SolarWorld AG, Germany at the 25th European Phtovoltaic Conference in Valencia, Spain on September 6, 2010.
Presidential Medal Award 2010
Awarded the "Presidential Medal Award 2010" by the Miami Dade College, Miami, Florida, Â USA in September, 2010.
Congressional Gold Medal 2010
Awarded the highest civilian honor "Congressional Gold Medal" by US Congress in September, 2010.
Order of the Sun in the Grade of Grand Cross
Awarded the highest national award given by the Nation of Peru
Global Award, the Third China Poverty Eradication Awards: 2010
Awarded Global Award, the Third China Poverty Eradication Awards by The State Council Leading Group Office of Poverty Alleviation and Development Management, Government of People's Republic of China and China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation in Beijing on October 17, 2010.
St. Vincent de Paul Award: 2011
Awarded the St. Vincent de Paul Award by DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois on September 23, 2011.
Elon Medal for Entrepreneurial Leadership: 2011
Awarded the Elon University Medal for Entrepreneurial Leadership in 4 April, 2012
Equitas Award 2011

Awarded Equitas Award 2011 for Human Rights Education on May 28, 2014 by Equitas – International Centre for Human Rights Education, Canada.

Jean Mayer Global Citizen Award: 2012

Awarded the Jean Mayer Global Citizen Award by the Institute for Global Leadership of Tufts University on April 20, 2012. This award was created to honor Jean Mayer, by challenging and inspiring the students and the University community, by bringing to Tufts distinguished scholars and practitioners whose moral courage, personal integrity, and passion for scholarship resonated his dictum that scholarship, research and teaching must be dedicated to solving the most pressing problems facing the world.


Outstanding Entrepreneur of Our Time and The Best Humanitarian of the Year" by OFC Venture Challenge: 2012

Awarded the Outstanding Entrepreneur of Our Time and the Best Humanitarian of the Year" by OFC Venture Challenge on April 23, 2012.

Transformational Leadership Award: 2012

Awarded the 2012 Transformational Leadership Award from the Wright Foundation for Transformational Leadership on April 27, 2012 in honor of his achievements as a humanitarian and social entrepreneur.

International Freedom Award: 2012

Awarded the 2012 Freedom Award by the National Civil Rights Museum on October 16, 2012 at Memphis, Tennessee as the founder of Grameen Bank for providing collateral-free loans to the poorest of the poor in Bangladesh.

Salute to Greatness Award 2013
Awarded "Salute to Greatness Award 2013" by Martin Luther King Center, USA on January 19, 2013.
Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award 2013

Awarded “Albert Schweitzer Humanitarian Award 2013” by Quinnipiac University, Connecticut, USA on March 6, 2013.

Skoll Global Treasure Award 2013
Awarded “Global Treasure Award” by Skoll Foundation, Oxford, UK on April 11, 2013
The Congressional Gold Medal Award 2013
Awarded the “Congressional Gold Medal” award by the US congress on April 17, 2013. A special bill S. 846 was passed in US congress to award Congressional Gold Medal to Professor Muhammad Yunus by unanimous vote. The Public Law 111-253 for the award was passed in October, 2010.
Forbes 400 Lifetime Achievement Award for Social Entrepreneurship, 2013
Awarded Forbes 400 Philanthropy Forum Lifetime Achievement Award for Social Entrepreneurship by Forbes Magazine, USA on June 05, 2013.
Asian American/ Asian Research Leadership Award 2013
Awarded “Asian American/ Asian Research Leadership Award” on November 21, 2013 at the 12th Annual Gala organized by Asian American/Asian Research Institute, City University of New York. USA.
Robert F Kennedy Ripple of Hope Award 2013

Awarded “Robert F Kennedy Ripple of Hope Award” on December 11, 2013 by Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights, USA.

Westmont leadership Award2014
Awarded “Westmont leadership Award” on February 28, 2014 by Westmont College, USA.
Lotus Leadership Award 2014

Asia Foundation’s Lotus Circle honors Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus on June 18, 2014 with Lotus Leadership Award 2014.

Prince Abdulaziz bin Abdullah Global Entrepreneurship Award 2014

Centennial Fund (TCF) honors Nobel Peace Laureate Muhammad Yunus on November 3, 2014 with Global Entrepreneurship Award 2014.

Albania Excellence Award
Awarded Albania Excellence Award given by the Association of Albanian Excellence on November 6, 2014
International Humanitarian Award

Awarded International Humanitarian Award 2015 by the International Human Rights Commission on January 28, 2015.

Distinguished professorship from YNU
Awarded distinguished professorship from Yunnan University, China on October 2015



Honorary Degrees Received by Professor Muhammad Yunus

U.K.Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Letters, honoris causa, by the University of East Anglia, U.K., in 1992.
U.S.A.Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Humanities by the Oberlin College, U.S.A. in 1993.
CANADAAwarded a Degree of Doctor of Law, honoris causa, by the University of Toronto, Canada in 1995.
U.S.A.Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Law by the Haverford College, U.S.A. in May, 1996.
U.K.Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Law by the Warwick University, U.K. in July, 1996.
U.S.A.Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Public Service by the Saint Xaviers' University, U.S.A. in May, 1997.
U.S.A.Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Civil Law, Honoris Causa by the University of the South, U.S.A. in January, 1998.
BELGIUMAwarded a Degree of Doctor Honoris Cause by the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium in February, 1998.
U.S.A.Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa by the Yale University, U.S.A. in May, 1998.
U.S.A.Awarded a Degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa by the Brigham Young University, U.S.A. in August, 1998.
AUSTRALIAAwarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science in Economics by the University of Sydney, Australia in November, 1998.
AUSTRALIAAwarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of the University by the Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia in February, 2000.
ITALYAwarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor in Economics and Business (Laurea Honoris Causa) by the University of Turin, Turin, Italy in October, 2000.
U.S.A.Awarded a Degree of Humane Letters, Honoris Causa by the Colgate University, Hamilton, U.S.A. in May 2002.
BELGIUMAwarded a degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the University Catholique of Louvain in February, 2003.
ARGENTINAAwarded a Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universitad Nacional De Cuyo in April, 2003.
SOUTH AFRICAAwarded a Degree of Doctor of Economics, honoris Causa by the University of Natal in December 2003.
INDIAAwarded a Degree of Doctor of Science, Honoris Causa by the Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswayvidyalaya, India in February, 2004.
THAILANDAwarded a Degree of Doctor of Technology, Honoris Causa by the Asian Institute of Technology in August, 2004.
ITALYAwarded a Degree of Doctor in Business Economics, Honoris Causa by the University of Florence in September, 2004.
ITALYAwarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor in Pedagogyst by the University of Bologna in October, 2004.
SPAINAwarded a Degree of Doctor Honoris Causa by the Universidad Complutense, Madrid in October, 2004.
SOUTH AFRICAAwarded a Honorary Doctorate Degree in Economics by the University of Venda, South Africa in May, 2006.
LEBANONAwarded a Doctor of Humane Letters by the American University of Beirut, Lebanon in June, 2006.
SPAINAwarded a Doctor of Honoris Causa by the University of Alicante in Valencia, Spain in June, 2006.
SPAINAwarded a Doctor of Honoris Causa by the University of Valencia, in Valencia, Spain in June, 2006.
SPAINAwarded a Doctor of Honoris Causa by the University of Jaume I in Valencia, Spain in June, 2006.
BANGLADESHAwarded a Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws by the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh in February, 2007.
JAPANAwarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Humanities by the Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan in July, 2007.
MALAYSIAAwarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Economics by the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia in August, 2007.
KOREAAwarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by the Ewha Womans University in September, 2007.
COSTA RICAAwarded a Doctor of Humanities Honoris Causa Degree by the Earth University in December 2007.
U.S.A.Awarded an Honorary Degree by the Regis University, U.S.A. in March 2008.
CANADAAwarded an Honorary Degree by the University of British Columbia in March 2008.
RUSSIAAwarded an Honorary Doctorate Degree by Moscow State University, Russia in April 2008.
ITALYAwarded an Honoris Causa Degree in Science of Cooperation and Development by Sapienza University of Rome, Italy in June, 2008.
U.K.Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctorate of Letters (D. Litt) in Glasgow Caledonia University, Glasgow, UK in December 2008.
U.K.Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctorate in University of Glasgow, UK in December 2008.
JAPANAwarded an Honorary Degree in Kobe University, Japan in March 2009.
U.S.A.Awarded an Honorary Doctors of Law Degree by University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia in May 2009.
JAPANAwarded an Honorary Degree from Hokkaido University, Japan in September 2009.
TURKEYAwarded an Honorary Degree of Doctorate in Istanbul Commerce University, Istanbul in October 2009.
U.S.A.Received a Doctor of Humane Letters from Duke University, Durham, USA on May 16, 2010.
JAPANAwarded an Honorary Degree of Doctorate in Kwansei Guakin University, Kobe, Japan on 18 July 2010.
CANADAAwarded a Doctor of Laws Honoris Causa from Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada on September 1, 2010.
PERUAwarded a Doctor Honoris Causa from San Ignacio de Loyola University, Lima, Paru on September 27, 2010.
PERUAwarded a Doctor Honoris Causa from Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Paru on September 27, 2010.
BELGIUMAwarded a Doctor Honoris Causa from University of Mons in Mons on October 18, 2010.
U.K.Awarded an Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science in Economics from London School of Economics at London on November 24, 2011.
JAPANAwarded Honorary Degree of Doctorate from Tohoku University, Japan on 11 March, 2012.
U.S.AAwarded Doctor of Humane Letters degree fromTuskegee University, U.S.A. on 12 May, 2012.
U.S.AAwarded the degree of Doctors of Letters from Emory university, U.S.A. on 14 May, 2012.
ALBANIAAwarded the Degree of Doctoris Honoris Causa from the European University of Tirana, Albania on 15 January, 2013.
U.K.Awarded Honorary Degree from University of Salford, Manchester, UK on May 18, 2013.
BOLOVIAAwarded Doctor Honoris Causa from Bolivia University of Aquino in Santa Cruz on 25 October, 2013.
IRELANDAwarded Doctor of Philosophy Honoris Causa from Dublin City University of Republic of Ireland on 18 October, 2014.
BRAZILAwarded Doctorate Honoris Causa

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