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DELÍCIES DEL BERGUEDÀ:a Replica of La Fageda’s Model for People with Co-occurring Disorders

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DELÍCIES DEL BERGUEDÀ:a Replica of La Fageda’s Model for People with Co-occurring Disorders

The Delícies del Berguedà case study studies if the concept of social enterprise is compatible with profitability. To answer this question, we will analyse the company’s strategic, organisational and financial evolution. Delícies del Berguedà was created in 2011 with the aim of offering employment opportunities to young people with cooccurring disorder, e.g. when two disorders, mental and/or physical, coexist at the same time.

The case study shows how Delícies del Berguedà, by applying a social policy based on the consumption of locally-sourced products, is increasing its market share year after year, without this being in any way detrimental to its financial viability.

The objective of this case study is to carry out a financial analysis of the company to draw conclusions regarding its viability. It could be used for students of financial analysis subjects on degrees related with business and economics.


Patricia Crespo Sogas
Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona (UPF)

Teresa Maria Monllau Jaques
Senior Lecturer.
Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF)

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