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SaóPrat: reconstructing the future

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SaóPrat: reconstructing the future

In 2004, three religious associations – Teresianas, Maristas, and Concepcionistas- came together to figure out some kind of a solution for children and young people in vulnerable situations in the neighborhoods of Sant Cosme and Sant Jordi-Ribera Baixa, in Prat de Llobregat. The main aim of the meeting was to propose actions that would help young people to regain their motivation and learn to develop their skills and abilities. That was how the association SaóPrat came into being, a non-profit socio-educational entity created to provide support for children and young people in vulnerable situations and at risk of social exclusion. Different work integration projects were set in motion, but the governing board, headed by its director Cata González, knew much more could be done. It was essential they take a step further and get young people into the job market. They needed the opportunity to put into practice their newly-acquired skills. Three years after creating the association, the governing board decided to
set up the work integration enterprise SaóPrat SL, with the main aim to generate job opportunities in the construction sector, specifically, building renovations activities.


Esther Hormiga
Profesora del Departamento de Empresa
Universitat de Barcelona

Lizbeth Arroyo
Investigadora en Emprendimiento
Universitat de Barcelona

Jaume Valls i Pasola
Profesor del Departamento de Empresa
Universitat de Barcelona

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