YSBC Web Lecture Series - Lecture#42: Amazonía Emprende-Forest School: A vehicle to increase capacities for a better nature regeneration in the Amazon Rainforest

Created By: Yunus Centre 4th December, 2022

 YSBC Web Lecture Series - Lecture#42: Amazonía Emprende-Forest School: A vehicle to increase capacities for a better nature regeneration in the Amazon Rainforest

Join us for the 42nd session of our YSBC Web Lecture Series on “Amazonía Emprende-Forest School: A vehicle to increase capacities for a better nature regeneration in the Amazon Rainforest” with Speaker, Julio Andrés Rozo, Head Director of Amazonía Emprende-Forest School, Colombia and Moderator Christina Jäger, Co-founder & Managing Director Yunus Environment Hub, Germany.

This engaging session will take place on Monday, 05 December 2022 7 pm Dhaka, 8 AM Bogota, 2 pm Frankfurt and feature Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus.

To join us, please register at: https://tinyurl.com/YSBCLecture42

For more information, please visit https://tinyurl.com/YSBCLectureSeries
Previous lectures are available at: https://tinyurl.com/YSBCLectureArchive

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