Project Title - Liberty City Gold Center

Title Liberty City Gold Center
Design Lab 38th Social Business Design Lab (Executive)
Design Lab Project Category Shopkeeping
Project Type Nobin
Organization Name Grameen Telecom Trust
Project Status In Developing Stage
Location Nekhmorod Bazaar, Baliadangi, Thakurgoan, Bangladesh
Presentation File Download Presentation File
Contact Name: Mohammed Anwar Hossain
Phone: 01766664252 Organization: 95
Is Approved Yes


-Different Cosmetics items and imitation gold etc are sold here.

-The entrepreneur has an experience of 9 years

-Agreed grace period is 6 months

-Existing gross profit margin is 25% and estimated  is 25%.

Business Objectives

-Expanding operation of the Business

-Appointing another few employees

-Introduction of a few other saleable items and thus scale up 

Social Problem Addressing



-Poor Living Standard

Social Impact

-Generation of employment

-Reduction of Poverty

-Improvement of Living Standard

Total Investment Cost

BDT 680,000/-