YSBC Web Lecture Series

13-13 March, 2023 VIRTUAL

Interaction Desk

We welcome your questions and feedback regarding our sessions, speakers, moderators, etc. Feel free to send them to our Interaction Desk at ysbc@yunuscentre.org


Interaction Desk

We welcome feedback from the audience for each segment. Send a few words to our INTER-ACTION desk (mailing address/Link). We’ll highly appreciate it. We would like to know if you found the conversation stimulating, what was missed in the conversation, what you would like to see in the future conversations, and any other comments and advice you would have for making the sessions more attractive for you.


Questions for speakers are welcome before any segment. We will pass on these questions to the appropriate moderator to let him decide whether he is going to ask any of these questions. The audience is also welcome to ask questions after the segment is aired. We will collect these questions and pass on to the speaker. If there are many questions for a speaker we may invite him/her back to address these questions in a follow-up segment. Send your questions to our Interaction Desk.