Social Business Day 2016

28-29 July, 2016 Zirabo, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Tentative Schedule

Day 1: Thursday, July 28, 2016

Transfer from Hotel
Reach Venue
8.00 am-9.30 am : Registration
9.30 am : Opening Ceremony
9.30 am-9.31 am : MC enters and greets
9.31 am-9.34 am : Welcome by Lamiya Morshed, Yunus Centre
9.34 am-9.44 am : A New Venture: Social Business Convention Centre
9.44 am-9.56 am : Greeting Speech by other VIPs
9.56 am-10.06 am : Opening Keynote Speech by Thomas Gass, United Nations Assistant Secretary General
10.06 am-10.16 am : Video Greetings
10.16 am-10.36 am : Welcome Speech by Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus
10.36 am-10.46 am : 10th Anniversary of Winning Nobel Peace Prize
10.50 am-11.20 am : Refreshments
11.25 am-12.10 pm : Plenary I: “Can We Stop Wealth Concentration?”
12.10 pm-12.25 pm : Festival of Colors: Products of New Entrepreneurs
12.25 pm-1.55 pm :  
Visit to Market Place
Afternoon I:    
1.55 pm-2.10 pm : Announcements - Part I
2.10 pm-2.40 pm : Pecha Kucha - Part I
2.40 pm-3.25 pm : Plenary II Session: “Financing Social Business”
3.25 pm-4.15 pm : Breakout Sessions:

i) Youth: Youth as the driving force behind social business

ii) Technology for Social Business, and Social Business for Technology

iii) HealthCare: New Frontier of Healthcare through Social Business

iv) International Replication: Social Business Initiatives in Various Countries -- Lessons Learned

v) Action Tank: Present and Future of Corporate Action Tank

vi) Finance: Is there any Breakthrough in Financing Social Business

vii) NU-New Entrepreneurs: Is it Possible to turn Unemployment in to Entrepreneurship? Experiences of Nobin Udyokta Program in Bangladesh

viii) Microfinance and Social Business

ix) Social Business Academia

x) Creativity and Arts

4.15 pm-4.40 pm : Refreshments
4.40 pm-5.00 pm : Reports from Breakout Sessions
5.00 pm-5.45 pm : Closing Plenary: III Three Zeros
End of Day’s Programme
6.00 pm : Departure for Hotel

Day 2: Friday, July 29

Transfer from Hotel
Reach Venue
Note: Country Forums and Breack Out Sessions will placed concurrently, Perticiepent can join what he/she wish to choose.
9.00 am-12.00 pm : Country Forums
    1. Bangladesh
2. China
3. Malaysia
4. Taiwan
5. Australia and Philippines
6. India
7. Thailand
8. Japan
9. Europe
10. Chittagong
9.00 am-12.00 pm : Break Out Sessions
9.00 am-10.30 am :

Panel 1: What can I do to mobilize energy behind social business in my country?

Panel 2: How to find and work with joint venture partners?
10.30 am-12.00 pm : Panel 3: Which social businesses are ready for replication?
Panel 4: Case Presentation of Social Businesses
12.00 pm-2.00 pm :  
    Jumma Prayers
Visit to Market Place
2.00 pm-3.30 pm : Plenary: Reports from Country Forums
3.30 pm-3.45 pm : Announcements - Part II
3.45 pm-4.20 pm : Pecha Kucha - Part II
4.20 pm--4.45 pm : Closing session
4.45 pm-5.15 pm : Refreshments
6.00 pm : Departure for Hotel

Day-3 Saturday (July 30)

Social Business Academia Pre Conference

Transfer from Hotel
Reach Venue
9.00 am-9.30 am : Registration
Morning: I : SBA Pre-Conference
9.30 am-10.15 am : Opening Session
10.15 am-10.45 am : Refreshments
10.45 am-11.45 pm : Group Meetings
1. Visioning of SBAC for 2016-2025
2. Visioning of YSBC for 2016-2025
3. Review of Programmes in the YSBCs
4. Financing of YSBCs and their research programmes
5. Review of the availability of publications, books, journals, course materials, Moocs, and recommendations for future actions
6. General framework on how to make social business more relevant to reducing wealth concentration and unemployment in each village, city, district, province, and country
11.45 pm-12.45 pm : Plenary Sessions: II Reporting back from the groups
12.45 pm-1.15 pm : Discussion
1.15 pm-2.15 pm : Lunch
Departure for Hotel by 2.30 pm