Social Business Day 2017

28-29 July, 2017 Zirabo, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Package: 3 Option : 1 (Three Days Field Visit Package)

Date: 30 July, 2017 - 01 August, 2017

Price: 300 $ per person

Package Includes:

Transportation, Breakfast, Lunch and Guide

People Per Group: 5

Start Place: Yunus Centre, 16th Floor, Grameen Bank Bhaban,Mirpur, Dhaka-1216

Start Time: 06:30





Day 1

1 Grameen Bank Branch Shingair, Manikganj.
For more information please click here.
2 Grameen Shakti Shingair, Manikganj
For more information please click here.
3 Grameen Kalyan Mirpur, Dhaka
For more information please click here
4 Grameen Distribution Kolma, Savar
For more information please click here.
Day 2

5 Two New Entrepreneurs of Grameen Shakti Samajik Byabosha Ltd. Elenga, Savar
6 Grameen Social Business Industrial Park Savar
For more information please click here.
Day 3 7 Grameen Danone Foods Ltd. Bogra
i) Visit to Yogurt sales point and Milk collection point
ii) Factory visit, Grameen Danone Foods Ltd  
For more information please click here        
8 Grameen GC Eye Hospital, Bogra Bogra

Note: The duration of the package is not changable.

Old Social BusinessesThe 3 day field trip will consist of a variety of visiting a wide variety of Grameen’s activities. We’ll start from visiting the Grameen Bank Branch in Manikganj to see microfinance and microcredit transactions in action. Moving on, we’ll visit the sustainable power systems created by Grameen Shakti. Next, we’ll travel to Mirpur to visit the Grameen Kalyan which aims to maintain the welfare of Grameen’s borrowers. Grameen distribution, our last visit of the first day, will show us how Grameen is promoting sales of locally produced goods and services.

The second day of the trip will kick off with a visit to two new entrepreneurs in Savar, namely, Nuruzzaman Traders and Anowar Box House. Then we’ll move to the Grameen Social Business Industrial Park to see the platform for many social business factories. Day 3 of trip will start off with a visit to Grameen Danone foods which is finding ways to promote and provide nutritious food (yogurt) to underprivileged kids. Lastly, we’ll go for a visit to Grameen GC Eye hospital which is finding ways to provide affordable healthcare and ophthalmology treatment.