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Yunus Teams up with President Macron and Mayor Hidalgo of Paris for the 2024 Olympics

12th July, 2017

Yunus Teams up with President Macron and Mayor Hidalgo of Paris for the  2024 Olympics

Yunus Centre Press Release (July 12, 2017)

Lausanne, Switzerland. July 11 :  

President Emmanuel Macron of France,  Mayor Ann Hidalgo of Paris and Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus arrived in Lausanne, Switzerland on July 10 to meet the members of the International Olympic Committee to brief them on the preparations of Paris towards its candidature of holding the Olympics games in 2024.

Prior to the official meeting at the headquarters of the International Olympic Committee,  President Macron  a 40 minute one-on-one   meeting in his hotel with Nobel Laureate professor Muhammad Yunus. Professor Yunus briefed the President on the three zero goals which can to be achieved through Social Business with the power of youth and technology. He highlighted the potential danger of disorder and anger in society due to continuous accumulation of wealth in fewer and fewer hands. He also emphasized that youth unemployment could be addressed through creating entrepreneurship.

The President congratulated Professor Yunus for receiving honorary citizenship from the City of Paris. He wished to remain updated on  the work of Yunus Centre Paris. He thanked Professor Yunus for advising the Olympic Bid Committee to give the event a strong social orientation.

Professor Yunus invited President Macron to address the 8th Global Social Business Summit in Paris on November 6-7 this year.

Later in the day,  all members of the International Olympic Committee were addressed by President Macron, Mayor Hidalgo of Paris, Professor Yunus and by the  membership of the Paris Bid Committee on the salient features of preparations for hosting Olympic 2024.

In his speech,  Professor Yunus explained how sports and athletic events such as the Olympic games could become a powerful vehicle for social transformation.


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