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Social Business Day 2017 Canceled

Due to unavoidable circumstances Social Business Day 2017 to be held has been cancelled.

27th July, 2017

Social Business Day 2017 Canceled

Yunus Centre Press Release(27 july 2017)

With a heavy heart we inform you that we are cancelling the 7th international conference organized on 28-29 July 2017 on the occasion of Social Business Day. The conference was to be inaugurated held tomorrow at 9.00 AM at Samajik Convention Centre in Zirabo. The guests and participants invited and registered for the Opening Ceremony and also to participate in the conference are requested to cancel  their plans to attend the conference. We humbly apologize to the guests and participants, local and from around the world, who have spent their time and money to take part in this conference.

About 200 international participants have already arrived to participate in this conference, including Mr Thomas Gass, the Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations. Mr Gass was to be the Keynote Speaker at the conference. He is the focal person to implement the Sustainable Development Goals undertaken by the United Nations. Roughly 2000 people, among them about 400 foreigners, from 50 countries have registered to participate in the conference.

However, some of the programs of the conference will be live cast via facebook page of Yunus Centre. The online session will start at 10.30 on 28th July, 2017. Speakers of various sessions will go live through the facebook page.

We are deeply indebted and grateful to those who have helped us organize this conference.

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