European Social Business Forum, Europe

15-15 May, 2014 Thursday May 15, from 8.00 to 17.45 Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 2, Lund

European Social Business Forum - May 15

Through presentations, panel discussions, and workshops the European Social Business Forum will elaborate on the relevance and implementation of social business in Sweden and the European Union. International participants, representing private and public sectors as well as civil society organizations, will enjoy a full day of creative exchange, learning, and networking.

The day begins with a keynote breakfast speech from Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus followed by a plenary session on the relevance of social business in Sweden, including presentations on the development of social policy in Sweden and panel discussions on the relevance of social business in and for Sweden as well as international initiatives from Sweden.

After lunch a second plenary session, taking the recent Strasbourg declaration on social entrepreneurship as a starting point, will focus on social business’ potential role in leading Europe out of the current economic and social crises. During the afternoon breakout session, participants will be invited to collaborate in small groups to harness the collective intelligence while focusing on the topic they find most interesting. Facilitated by experts and practitioners in the field, the breakout session topics will be: Corporate, Education, Innovation, Investing, and Scaling.