European Social Business Forum, Europe

15-15 May, 2014 Thursday May 15, from 8.00 to 17.45 Medicon Village, Scheelevägen 2, Lund


Muhammad Yunus is coming to Lund in May
Publicerad 23 april 2014 av Redaktionen

Muhammad Yunus is coming to Lund in May

Lund University along with regional partners welcome you to the first Social Business Week Sweden in Lund and Malmö from 12-16 May 2014

During five days the concepts of social business, social entrepreneurship, and social innovation will be explored by and with academics, entrepreneurs, students, NGO’s and public officials.

The Social Business Week is divided into two events:

The Social Innovation Lab, May 12-14, offers a creative environment to learn more about social innovation and social entrepreneurship to gain the knowledge and tools necessary to get started with a social venture. Social Innovation Lab consists of three days, Monday to Wednesday, where participants come together to acquire the tools for social entrepreneurship.

On Thursday, May 15, the European Social Business Forum takes place at Medicon Village in Lund. Through presentations, panel discussions, and workshops the Forum will elaborate on the relevance and implementation of social business in Sweden and the European Union. International participants, representing private and public sectors as well as civil society organizations, will enjoy a full day of creative exchange, learning, and networking. Also, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Prof. Muhammad Yunus will join to give a breakfast speech during the Forum
