
Profile Image fysbt 23rd July, 2024

Organized by National Taiwan University, the GIS Taiwan Forum (GIS Taiwan) was Taiwan's largest international student academic forum. The 15th GIS Taiwan had its theme set as "Rebuild and Revive," encouraging participants to break frameworks and reorganize their perceptions of the world. The five-day forum concluded on July 5, 2024, bringing together domestic and international experts, scholars, a.....

Profile Image fysbt 15th July, 2024

Professor Muhammad Yunus, the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate, introduced the "3ZERO" vision: zero net carbon emissions, zero poverty, and zero unemployment. In recent years, he has promoted the 3ZERO Club concept, inviting youth aged 12-35 to form 3ZERO Clubs with five members whose ages differ by no more than seven years. These clubs discuss and focus on key issues, aiming to collaborate with mo.....

Profile Image fysbt 15th July, 2024

The Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan, authorized by 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, led a delegation to the 14th Social Business Day (“SBD”) in Manila, Philippines from 27-28 June 2024. This international event, guided by CEO Juno Wang, included nearly 20 social business experts, academic professors, and outstanding students. Notable members include.....

Profile Image fysbt 15th July, 2024

The Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan, authorized by the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, has been leading Taiwanese delegations to the Yunus Social Business Day (SBD) annually since its inception. These delegations explore the latest global trends in socialbusinesses , exchange international case studies with foreign social entrepreneurs and sustainability exper.....

Profile Image fysbt 15th July, 2024

The Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan (“The Foundation”), authorized by 2006 Nobel Peace Prize laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus, is dedicated to promoting the Grameen Bank model worldwide. This initiative, known for aiding countless individuals in achieving entrepreneurial self-sufficiency, has taken root in Taiwan through collaborations with local social welfare organizatio.....

Profile Image fysbt 15th July, 2024

Kaohsiung, June 12, 2024 – Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan has long been dedicated to promoting the common good model of social businesses. Every month, they host the Yunus Social Business Salon in Taipei and Kaohsiung, inviting experts from academia and industry to share valuable insights on managing and starting social businesses. The May salon in Kaohsiung was held at Le Phare.....

Profile Image fysbt 15th July, 2024

Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan (“the Foundation”) has been a longstanding advocate for social businesses in Taiwan, promoting the "common good" model. To date, it has facilitated the establishment of Yunus Social Business Centres (YSBC) at 14 universities across Taiwan. These centres aim to integrate education and sustainable resources to cultivate students' awareness of t.....

Profile Image fysbt 15th July, 2024

With the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI), integrating AI technology with sustainable management has become crucial for the future. The College of Management at National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (NPUST) organized the " 2024 Conference of Sustainable Development of Management" in late May, hosted by the NPUST Yunus Social Business Centre (YSBC). The conference,.....

Profile Image fysbt 15th July, 2024

In mid-May, the Higher Education Sprout Project Office and the Yunus Social Business Centre (YSBC) at National Taichung University of Science and Technology held a Campus Net Zero Carbon Emissions Day. University President Chen Tong Xiao invited prominent guests, including Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan President ,Philippa Tsai, former Director General of the Ministry of Foreign Affai.....

Profile Image fysbt 15th July, 2024

Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan hosted the second “Yunus Camp in late January at Dongshih Forest Garden, focusing on the theme of the "3ZERO Actions " The camp aimed to push participants towards zero carbon emissions, zero poverty, and zero unemployment. 60 students from 26 universities across the country formed teams, engaging in discussions on social issues. Additionally, 6 exp.....

Profile Image fysbt 16th November, 2020

On Nov. 12, the Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan (Taiwan Foundation) hold the “Yunus Social Business Incubation Seminar” in Taichung. It is the most important training for the local entrepreneurs of Yunus Social Business Alliance. Taiwan Foundation invited the International experts and representatives of industry, government and academia in the central region of Taiwan to di.....

Profile Image fysbt 5th December, 2019

Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan (hereinafter referred to as FYSBT) Held the “2nd Social Business East Asian Conference” on 19th November 2019. It held in Taipei was attended by many political leaders, government officials, university presidents from ten universities having YSBCs, and business leaders. Nobel Laureate Professor Muhammad Yunus visited Taiwan as chief guest to .....

Profile Image fysbt 19th August, 2019

On August 7th, 2019, the Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan (FYSBT) held the first Grameen Model Forum about how to apply the Grameen Bank model to suit Taiwan conditions. With Social Affairs Bureau Taichung City Government’s (SABTCG) assistance, the forum was held at Taichung Social Innovation Unit. The Director of SABTCG, Mr. Yun-Chieh Lee, said that young people should become an .....

Profile Image fysbt 9th July, 2019

On 27-30 June, Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan (FYSBT) set up a group to participate the 9th Social Business Day (SBD). The former premier of Taiwan, Mr. Mao, as the honor leader to leading the Taiwan Group to attend. More than 1,500 people attended the 9th SBD. Them explore topics such as food, education, human resources, and youth innovation etc., and provide social problem-solving e.....

Profile Image fysbt 28th May, 2019

The most popular commonwealth publishing group, Global Views is devoted to enhancing the diffusion of knowledge through quality publishing and objective reporting. In recent years, Global Views hosts a competition to create good cycle combine solve social problems and create new business models. it can inject energy to sustainable operation. In this year, Global Views invites Philippa Tsai (the pr.....

Profile Image fysbt 7th May, 2019

Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan (FYSBT) recommended National Taipei University of Business (NTUB; over 102 years old) to apply for authorization of Yunus Centre for establishing YSBC(9th YSBC in Taiwan). Philippa Thai (the president of FYSBT) and Han-Yu Liu (the vice president of NTUB) signed a cooperation agreement on April 30. In the future, NTUB will extend academic theory to counse.....

Profile Image fysbt 8th April, 2019

In order to combine the resources of industry, government and academia to create a good future. The Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan held a forum on March 15th. The President of Foundation for Yunus Social Business Philippa Thai invited the eight universities that have been established Yunus Social Business Centre (YSBC), the YSBCs attended this forum including:Chang Jung Christian Univ.....

Profile Image fysbt 21st March, 2018

Foundation for Yunus Social Business Taiwan started "I Am Here!” Venture Dialogue from 2018 March 2, building a brand-new platform for the youth to start an enterprise with 6 universities jointly called Yunus Social Business Centre (YSBC) which is based on the love for Taiwan, focusing on the local spirit of “I am here” and promote economic future of Taiwan.The foundation follows.....

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